Funding Bugsfarm Pilot Project – INSECT FACTORY.



After the pure experimental phase is over, this project aims to be the first pilot plant to deepen and confirm the research results and the final fine-tuning of the machinery for mass production of the same.


  • Develop a pilot Bugsfarm consisting of 30 Bioconverters and a Nursery
  • Develop an operational research plan to verify an exercise model regarding insect breeding
  • To develop a commercial network for the sale of insect flours or insect proteins in general in specific feed sectors
  • Create a certifiable and replicable operating model

This will make it possible to quickly start industrial development and network establishment, and arrive at the sale of bioconverters and commercialization of protein meal and other products derived from bio-conversion of waste.

The project is financed with €400,000 of investment from BEF Biosystems shareholders and €400,000 of ERDF funds from the European Union Thematic Objective 1 - Axis I Research, Technological Development and Innovation Action I.1.b.4.1 "Support for the creation and consolidation of innovative application and knowledge-intensive start-ups and research spin-off initiatives."

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